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Fans Uncover Easter Eggs In Virtual Self Website’s Source Code

Porter Robinson‘s new project has been riddled with cryptic messages and captivating promotional methods since the get go… and now fans have uncovered even more online secrets!

Unsurprisingly, Virtual Self goes much deeper than what can be seen or heard on the surface. Superfans have been digging into like its a brand new virtual world to behold, and it pretty much is.

Entering the site, “Eon Break” and “Ghost Voices” play over game-like characters named “Technic_Angel” and “Pathselector,” hinting Virtual Self goes beyond the music into some type of boundless journey. Upon clicking on the phrase, “Am I eternal?” users are redirected to another website, which currently appears offline, but hints something big is yet to come.

Past the website’s appearance and deep into the code, Porter’s loyal following has uncovered some major easter eggs worth noting. There is hidden imagery and text within the source code, and even a private link to a 360 degree video. We’ll have to wait and see what the full extent of Virtual Self holds, but feel free to add in your speculation about what this all means in the comments below.

Shoutout Reddit users u/aradiowave, u/RadRoachMusic and u/spika700 for digging up this awesome content and posting it via r/porterrobinson.

Virtual Self Source Code Hidden Image

Virtual Self Source Code Cryptic Text

Virtual Self Hidden 360 Video

Virtual Self Releases

Source: r/porterrobinson | Photo via

This article was first published on Your EDM.
Source: Fans Uncover Easter Eggs In Virtual Self Website’s Source Code

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