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DJ Snake Abandons Snapchat

Kylie Jenner isn’t the only one questioning Snapchat these days. Aside from the 83% of users who hate the new update, influencers are jumping ship by the pound and that’s not good for the platform. The latest to apparently leave the app is DJ Snake, though the tweet has since been deleted.

It’s hard to say who else is using Snapchat less, honestly, because we too haven’t been on there as much. Instagram has taken so many users from Snapchat it would be almost comical if it wasn’t spelling the end for a whole company and its employees.

Though, to say that Snapchat is circling the drain may be premature, but it’s not headed in an upward direction, that’s for sure.

Keep an eye on Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter to see who the next DJ to abandon the platform will be.


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This article was first published on Your EDM.
Source: DJ Snake Abandons Snapchat

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