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Deadmau5 Called Someone A “F*g” While Streaming A Video Game & People Are Overreacting

Deadmau5 has long had a history of fervent outbursts, generally accompanied by less than appropriate language used toward another person. Last year, in the span of a week, deadmau5 was called out for both making alleged transphobic remarks as well as calling Slushii’s music “autistic shit,” the producer himself having Autism. Deadmau5 took a brief hiatus from social media and now has a team member overseeing his socials to help keep them a little cleaner.

However, not everything can be censored in the moment; and especially during heated game play, some words can be let loose. The gaming community, especially games in which players can talk to each other via headset, isn’t one of the cleanest communities, language-wise. That’s well-established. So when deadmau5 was playing PUBG on a public stream on Twitch and another player was “stream camping” (watching his stream on Twitch to find his location, a lot like how someone would watch an opponent’s screen in GoldenEye, back in the day), deadmau5 understandably got frustrated.

“Is that some fucking cock-sucking stream sniper fag,” he says during his outburst.

A small group of people online have accused deadmau5 of hate speech and homophobia for his outburst — and while the word “fag” isn’t ever used in a complimentary tone, it’s important to note the context. The fact of the matter is that this sort of language is used every day by tens of thousands of players in online games, and that likely won’t stop soon.

These same players, generally, don’t actually harbor homophobic thoughts. For the younger generation, these words are simply insults, unmarred by decades of hate-motivated undertones. They should, of course, be educated about the history of these words, but it’s doubtful that they’re meant in any way more deeply than a simple insult in the moment.

For deadmau5, the onus is a little heavier. He’s already been reprimanded many times over for his colorful language, both online and offline, so it’s easier to call him out for something like this when it happens. And in 2019, sensitivity to language and any possible harm is at an all-time high.

Your EDM does not condone the use of hate speech or homophobic slurs in any capacity. But we must also be wary of the degree to which we address minor slights like this as opposed to real issues of homophobia and hate in the world. If Deadmau5 lets slip a “fag” in a heated game moment… it not “okay,” but it’s certainly not the worst thing in the world.


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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Deadmau5 Called Someone A “F*g” While Streaming A Video Game & People Are Overreacting

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