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Ezoo Hero Buries Huge Water Bottle Full of Vodka Weeks Before and Shares with His Friends

Festival-goers are always thinking up new ways to smuggle intoxicants into events, and an Electric Zoo attendee took one of the practices straight out of the playbook this weekend for one epic success story…

This guy named Alex and his friends didn’t want to face Electric Zoo without a healthy supply of Belvedere Vodka — so he buried it weeks before. Judging by the photos below, Alex’s plan to smuggle liquor went off without a hitch.

However, some Facebook users speculate there’s one problem with the “ol’ switcheroo” he pulled: the caps on his watter bottle are different colors.

“We transferred bottle so everyone could split it up…” he explained.

Another user asked, “How’d you get the shovel into Ezoo to dig it out?”

“It looks like a back scratcher thing and they didn’t care,” Alex confidently answered back.

We’re just going to take his word for it, because we want to believe this is true!


H/T: EDM Sauce

This article was first published on Your EDM.
Source: Ezoo Hero Buries Huge Water Bottle Full of Vodka Weeks Before and Shares with His Friends

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