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Black Eyed Peas Called Out for Ripping Off Yet Another Artist

R&S Records and Lone have accused the Black Eyed Peas of sampling their music without permission from both the label and artist.

Both have pointed out the similarities between Black Eyed Peas’ track “Constant” released in August, and Lone’s track “Airglow Fires” from 2013 on Twitter.

R&R Records tweeted “Sound Familiar?” with a clip starting at the 2:41 mark of Black Eyed Peas video “Constant.” Following with another tweet calling the group, “total rip off merchants.”

Lone followed the record labels direction by retweeting the original post and commenting  “Black Eyed Me’s,” addressing the striking comparison to his own track.

“I was actually made aware of the tune a few weeks back when my manager sent me a link to the video,” Lone told Resident Advisor. “Needless to say it put me off my breakfast… I mean, you’ve gotta laugh really, but that’s a total rip- off, no question.”

But this isn’t the first time the group has been accused of plagiarizing other artists tracks.

The Black Eyed Peas have faced a handful of copyright infringement lawsuits dating back to the early 2000’s. Multiple artists have reported the illegal sampling of their original material and group member,, admitted to one incident calling it an  “accident,” according to Forbes.

The Black Eyed Peas have not responded to the accusations but the newest similarities are undeniable. Take a listen to both “Constant” and “Airglow Fires” by Lone below & let us know what you think!

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Black Eyed Peas Called Out for Ripping Off Yet Another Artist

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