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EDM Reacts To Calvin Harris “Nazi” Tweet

EDM Twitter somewhat erupted yesterday in response to Calvin Harris’ uncharacteristic “nazi” tweet. Followers were divided between calling people overly sensitive or simply reacting to the out-of-character outburst, but everyone made a point to react to it one way or another.

Harris followed up the tweet later in the day, stating, “Hi I didn’t say dubstep was shit I was addressing one abusive guy NOT an entire genre thanks.” That doesn’t make it any better to say in the first place, but at least we know that he doesn’t hate dubstep? (Cue eye roll.)

See how other producers including Jauz, Marshmello, and Funtcase reacted to the outburst below.


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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: EDM Reacts To Calvin Harris “Nazi” Tweet

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