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Dance Music Archive Seeks To Immortalize Decades Of EDM History

A couple weeks ago, my hard drive that I’d been using to store music I’d downloaded since 2010 failed and became corrupted. Of course I hadn’t backed any of it up, so some rare or lesser known mixes are now gone and out of my reach. It’s good timing then that we’ve learned about the Dance Music Archive, spearheaded by Andi Durrant, Co Founder of This Is Distorted Ltd and chief librarian of the archive.

The archive sets out to do exactly what it says, archiving the history of dance music in mixes, radio sets, songs, and more.

“During the coronavirus lockdown of Spring 2020 I found myself with a little more time at home than usual,” Durrant writes in the site’s About section. “I was having a dig around the loft and came across a couple of boxes of old guest mixes from my radio shows over the years. I’ve been honoured to have some of the biggest names in dance do sessions for us, and I’ve tried to keep as much as possible.”

Submissions are generally taken from YouTube or other free streaming services where content has been uploaded throughout the years. The process isn’t currently perfect, nor is it nearly complete, but there’s years and years of history and just as much time to help flesh it out in the Archive.

You can suggest a piece of musical history by getting in contact with Dance Music Archive via email — — or through their social channels.

Check it out here.


via EDM Tunes

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Dance Music Archive Seeks To Immortalize Decades Of EDM History

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