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Rezz Can See Into the Future with Her Music Production “For Years to Come”

Rezz is one of the best things to ever happen to electronic music, and although her trippy light up googles might suggest otherwise, her vision is crystal clear.

Not even a month after her debut album Mass Manipulation has taken over the world, the producer has her sights set on even more music releases. Rezz took her uniquely curated sound to new depths with the consistently dark, yet intensely varied places as heard in the difference between “Relax,” “Diluted Brains,” “Synesthesia,” “Green Gusher,” “DRUGS!” and beyond.

Rezz says she already knows the future of her music “for years to come,” which will please old fans while attracting new ones. Most importantly, Rezz says her productions will stay focused on “satisfying my own taste.”

No doubt, Space Mom’s dedication to her sound is going to take her a long way, and we can’t wait to hear it every step of the way!

Rezz Shares Music Direction Details with Fans


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This article was first published on Your EDM.
Source: Rezz Can See Into the Future with Her Music Production “For Years to Come”

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