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Porter Robinson Sends Rising Producer $3k To Get A New Computer and Finish His Album

Porter Robinson just made a rising producer’s day — or life!

“What kind of next level soul just gives someone $3,000 for a new computer?” Twitter user @shadient rhetorically asks along with a screenshot of his PayPal account. “[Porter Robinson] does. Another reason to love him I guess.”

Shadient says his previous 9-year-old PC fully died and Porter Robinson himself shelled out the money for him to buy a new one, so he could finish his album. It’s a beautiful thing to see artists helping other artists out, no matter how big or small. This just goes to show how amazing the electronic music community truly is.

“It won’t be the best album anyone has ever made, it will be the best music I have ever made,” Shadient said.

Listening to his artistic vision below, the winter=reality EP seems to draw influence from Porter’s work, but definitely makes a statement of its own. We’re excited to hear where Shadient’s productions go with a brand new computer in his possession.

Read the tweets and listen to winter=reality below!

Proof Porter Robinson is a “Next Level Soul”

Shadient: winter=reality


Photo via Rukes

This article was first published on Your EDM.
Source: Porter Robinson Sends Rising Producer $3k To Get A New Computer and Finish His Album

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