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Amazon and YouTube Dig Deep In Feud With Amazon Filing ‘AmazonTube’ Trademark

Since the start of the month, tech giants Amazon and Google have found themselves embroiled in a bitter feud which started when Google abruptly pulled YouTube streaming off of Amazon’s Echo products. Since then it’s all been escalated with Google restoring the product onto Amazon’s devices before pulling it off again and calling out Amazon for refusing to carry any Google hardware on its online retail store.

Since then, Amazon has responded by filing for trademark rights on AmazonTube per The Verge. While there’s not much information available on the product at this time, the trademark application’s description supposedly describes the product as providing “non-downloadable, pre-recorded audio, visual and audiovisual works via wireless networks on a variety of topics of general interest.”

Interestingly enough, Amazon has also supposedly applied for a trademark on “OpenTube” as well, though details on that project are equally scarce.


H/T: The Verge

This article was first published on Your EDM.
Source: Amazon and YouTube Dig Deep In Feud With Amazon Filing ‘AmazonTube’ Trademark

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