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Laidback Luke Reignites DJ Mag Hate With New Twitter Rant

Months after his original vlog on the DJ Mag Top 100 and months still since the DJ Mag Top 100 was officially revealed this year, Laidback Luke has reignited his ire with the publication. In a series of tweets, he singles out three DJ Mag contributors: clubs editor Ben Hindle, global editor Carl Loben, and Digital & Ibiza editor Charlotte Cijffers.

“Do you want to know the truth as to why I didn’t make it into the @DJMag top100 this year?” he begins. “It’s because of this VLOG. *rant on the way*” [sic]

Luke continues, mentioning how comments on one of KURA’s latest Instagram posts have resparked this feud between him and DJ Mag (see screenshots below). After the comments were made and tweets were posted, each of the three DJ Mag contributors had their own responses – though Loben’s, the most flagrant of the three’s, was deleted.

You can read the full Twitter thread below:

Responses from the DJ Mag editors are below:

As we said, Loban’s was deleted, but El Hornet (who performs DJ sets for Pendulum) managed to snag a screenshot.

This article was first published on Your EDM.
Source: Laidback Luke Reignites DJ Mag Hate With New Twitter Rant

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