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LA Attorney Sues Underground Nightclub, LA Party Society, for Millions

Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer has sued the manager of an underground nightclub, LA Party Society, for violating coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions — and the city is seeking millions of dollars in damages.

According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, the nightclub located in the Fashion District at 1114 South Main St. has been operating business as usual, hosting crowded events during the pandemic with disregard to regulations put in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In addition, the suit details at least five violent incidents have occurred at LA Party Society events in recent months.

The suit alleges violations of “public nuisance and unfair competition laws” against nightclub manager Yves Oscar Jr. and two companies listed as the property’s owners, both headed up by investor David Taban. The City attorneys are seeking fines of $2,500 per day, up to $3.65 million per defendant.

Feuer said during a recent press conference:

Beyond the bullets and the assaults and the other criminal activity, I want to emphasize that packing people into an indoor space — an unlicensed club — during the pandemic, is the height of irresponsibility.

Feuer added that the city is working with local police to cut off the venue’s water and power supply, with the end goal of permanent closure.

More information here.


Source: Los Angeles Times

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: LA Attorney Sues Underground Nightclub, LA Party Society, for Millions

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