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Pasquale Rotella To Host Reddit AMA About EDC Las Vegas Tomorrow

Two weeks ago, news spread that Nevada had rejected Insomniac’s safety proposal for EDC Las Vegas, originally planned for next month. That very same day, Pasquale Rotella, founder and CEO of Insomniac, announced that the festival was moving forward. The announcement was met with cautious optimism at best and general confusion, as well, given the day’s earlier news.

Still, Insomniac was prepared to release a full lineup for the festival last Wednesday when, on Tuesday, it was announced that EDC was moving to October after all.

Originally, the deadline to request that Headliners’ tickets be pushed to 2022 was April 15, only a week after the festival was announced that it was going to happen in May, and only a little more than a month before the actual festival itself. This gave attendees a very short amount of time to book flights and hotels, let alone ask for time off for work and other festival related accommodations.

So when it was then revealed that the festival would be happening in October after all, many were frustrated that they spent money on the festival that they were told would be happening, but was no longer.

“I know many of you are excited that EDC is now in October while some are disappointed it’s not happening in May,” Rotella wrote on Instagram. “I care about each & every one of your feelings & experiences, whether good or bad. I want to do this AMA because it’s important to me to always address all your questions & concerns.”

Topics will likely include refunds, tickets, the festival safety plan, and more. The AMA is happening tomorrow, Tuesday, April 27 at 2pm PST on r/electricdaisycarnival on Reddit.

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Pasquale Rotella To Host Reddit AMA About EDC Las Vegas Tomorrow

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