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Sullivan King’s Rock Album ‘LOUD’ Is Officially Out Today [LISTEN]

Our lord and savior, Sullivan King, bringer of rock in thine EDM, hallowed be thy name. 

For years and years, we’ve enjoyed Sullivan King bringing elements of rock and metal into his uniquely branded productions, and finally today we have a full rock album from the talented artist, LOUD. Occasionally, his dubstep roots manifest themselves and peek through the surface, but overall, this is the rock album we’ve always wanted from him.

Apart from the three singles that were released prior to the full release today, we get seven new singles, including a skit-like introductory track, “…And We Wish You The Best Of Luck,” as well as a collaboration with his long-time friend Grabbitz to cap off the project.

The singles “LOUD” and “Venomous” are the only two wherein dubstep bleeds out, so if for whatever reason you were disappointed that it’s not “all” rock, the new singles are going to be right up your alley. In particular, “One,” “Scene Kids Unite!” and “Help” with Grabbitz are sure to scratch that itch.

Check out LOUD from Sullivan King below!


Photo via Ashley Osborn

This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Sullivan King’s Rock Album ‘LOUD’ Is Officially Out Today [LISTEN]

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